Directors of Institutes and
Schools of Public Administration

Artificial Intelligence: Challenges in Public Service Training

DISPA meeting agenda

23rd of October (Wednesday)

18.00-21.30 Get-together, Informal Welcome Reception (Veranda Grill & Wine)

24th of October (Thursday)

08.00-08.30 Arrival, Registration (Ceremonial Hall)

8.30-8.40 Welcome speech (Gergely Deli, Rector, LUPS)

08.40-08.50 Welcome speech (Gábor Kemény, Vice-Rector for Institutional Development/Institute for Public Administration Further Training)

08.50-09.05 Welcome of new DISPA members (Anna Mitelmann, Head of the European School of Administration; Christiane Keutgens, Deputy Head of the European School of Administration)

09.05 – 09.20 EuSA News (Anna Mitelmann, Head of the European School of Administration; Christiane Keutgens, Deputy Head of the European School of Administration)

09.20-09.50 The LUPS and the Hungarian System of Further Training of Civil Servants (Balázs Klotz, Director, Institute for Public Administration Further Training)

09.50-10.20 Artificial Intelligence – Regulatory Framework in the European Union (Laura Jugel, Legal and Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology)

10.20-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-11.30 Digital Citizen – Artificial Intelligence in Public Service (Péter Domokos, political advisor, Cabinet of the State Secretariat responsible for regional public administration at the Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development)

11.30-12.00 Presentation of the Survey Results Conducted among DISPA Members (Martijn Pluim, Programme Director, EIPA; Michaela Sullivan Paul, Senior Research Officer,  EIPA)

12.15 Family photo

12.30-13.30 Lunch break (Community Hall)

13.30-16.30 Presentation of best practices concentrating on the daily use of AI within the DISPA schools, showing different methods/different AI platforms (20 minutes for each presenter below, then breaking into groups and 5 minutes for each member in the given group to share their own experiences and to ask questions from the presenter)

Name Institution Country Topic
Elvira Stählin-Giese Bundesakademie für Öffentliche Verwaltung Germany How can large companies support such endeavors in public governance, and what challenges does the German public administration face regarding AI?
Kyösti Väkeväinen HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Finland AI-supported management   AI-supported innovation
Sabrina Bandera SNA – Scuola Nazionale dell’ Amministrazione Italy Application of AI in the planning and implementation of training courses
Pavel Ivanov Institute of Public Administration Bulgaria Application of AI in training evaluation   Development and application of AI chatbot

15.10-16.30 Worskhops, break into groups and 5 minutes for each member in the given group to share their experiences and to ask questions from the presenter

16.30-17.00 Presenters share insights from group discussions (They share the experiences gained in the small groups)

17.15-18.45 Parliament tour (optional) (Bus transfer to the Parliament. After the tour direct walk to the restaurant for dinner.)

17.15-18.15 Ludovika Campus tour (optional)

18.30 Bus transfer to Víg Varjú Restaurant (for those who stayed at Campus)

19.00 Dinner (Víg Varjú Restaurant)

22.00 Bus transfer back to Campus

25th of October 2024 (Friday)

09.00-09.30 Arrival, Registration (Ceremonial Hall)

09.30-10.30 Presentations about the training materials for civil servants about AI, 15 minutes for each presenter below and 5 minutes for questions (Ceremonial Hall)

Name Institution Country Topic
Lukas Jirsa Institute for Public Administration Prague Czech Republic Application of AI in the planning and implementation of training courses
Abel Carreira INA Portugal Application of AI in training evaluation   Development and application of AI chatbot

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.15 Workshop I.: Usage of AI in the Scientific Research Practice (Ferenc Petruska, university associate professor, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training) (Ceremonial Hall)

11.00-12.15 Workshop II. Leadership Training – Use of VR Glasses for Training Purposes ( Ágnes Jenei, university associate professor, Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies) (Zrínyi Hall)

11.00-12.15 Workshop III. Large Language Models in Diplomatic Training – Practical Experiences (Gábor Nyáry, scientific associate, Cyber Defense Institute, Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies) (Chapel)

12.30-12.40 Closing on behalf of EuSA (Christiane Keutgens, Deputy Head of the European School of Administration) (Ceremonial Hall)

12.40-12.50 Words of upcoming Presidency from Poland (Małgorzata Bywanis-Jodlińska, director of KSAP) (Ceremonial Hall)

12.50-13.00 Closing by Hungarian Presidency Gábor Kemény, Vice-Rector for Institutional Development/Institute for Public Administration Further Training (Ceremonial Hall)

13.00.-14.00 Lunch (Community Hall)

14.00-15.30 Parliament tour (optional) (Bus transfer to the Parliament and after the tour bus transfer back to the Campus with possible arrival time 16:15-16:30.)

14.00-15.00 Ludovika Campus – tour (optional)